
Mostrando entradas de 2014

Pampas Megafauna

A few days ago on the outskirts of  Santa Fe city (San Lorenzo) a discovery came, while a man was digging a septic tank in the back of his house. He found something hard, and to his surprise and that of their neighbors there were huge bones. He called the authorities and scientists deduced that would be a mastodont 10,000 years old. Un hallazgo ocurrió hace unos días atrás en las afueras de la ciudad de Santa Fé (San Lorenzo), mientras un hombre cavaba un pozo séptico en los fondos de su casa. Se encontró con algo duro y para su sorpresa y la de sus vecinos eran unos huesos enormes.  Llamó a las autoridades,y los científicos dedujeron que se trataría de un mastodonte de 10.000 años de antigüedad. Huesos descubiertos en Santa Fé Bones discovered in Santa Fe

Crazy weather, Floods

All started in "these plains, las pampas" with a heat spike 35 8 C and 38 ° C windchill for a spring day. A weather alert came with strong winds and rain storm: it was the beginning of the destruction. But the worst didn´t come yet, more rain. On the afternoon rained more than the average of November and fatal outcome flooded thousands of acres.  Province of Buenos Aires has 307.571 square kilometres, one third of this area is under water. Desolation, despair, loss, much pain ... Todo comenzó en "estas pampas" con un pico de calor de 35°8 C y 38°C de sensación térmica para un día de primavera. Un alerta meteorológico que llegó con fuerte temporal de lluvia y vientos : fue el comienzo de  la destrucción. Pero, todavía faltaba lo peor más lluvias. En una tarde llovió más que el promedio anual de noviembre y el resultado fatal miles de hectáreas anegadas. De los 307.571 kilómetros cuadrados  superficie de la provincia de Buenos Aires un ...

Calandria (Mimus saturninus)

Many poets speak of this beautiful bird, chalk-browed mockingbird  , by its appearance or singing. Hudson also does in his book "Aves del plata" in a way, that you can close your eyes and see it.  It is very common for people in the "pampas", we lived with them.  They measure about 27 cm. They are earthy colors with clear chest, and a black line delineates his eyes. His song is beautiful and varied because in his own composition includes notes of songs of other birds, they  imitate.  Often they are extremely territorial, although they eat from the hand of man; they are very protective of their nests. Many unsuspecting pets suffer attacks. No  matter how large or fierce is the mascot. Muchos poetas hablan de esta hermosa ave por su aspecto o su canto. También lo hace Hudson  en su libro "Aves del Plata" de una manera, en que se puede cerrar los ojos y verla. Ella es muy habitual para los habitantes de "las pamp...

Recyclers birds

Reduce, reuse and recycle are the three steps to a cleaner planet. The birds live with us and seem to have incorporated these actions. E very spring over 6 years, Chalk-browed mockingbird (Mimus saturnis) b uilt their nest in the highiest fork of an old plum. They found wadding to do it. I always wondered how and where these birds got this plastic filler. How did they know it was warm and protect their young from the rain and intemperate spring days?  A mystery, are they applied their practical intelligence?  Reducir, re-usar y reciclar son las tres acciones para un planeta más limpio. Las aves conviven con nosotros y parecen haber incorporado dichas acciones. Las calandrias (Mimus saturnis)    que a lo largo de 6 años cada primavera construyeron su nido en la horqueta más alta de un viejo ciruelo al fondo de mi jardín encontraron guata para realizarlo. Siempre me pregunté cómo y dónde estas aves consiguieron este relleno plástico. ¿Có...

Colonial city

Hudson explored the coast and the province of Buenos Aires before traveling to England. Luján is a important colonial  city, since 1755.  Today it can be  appreciate the colonial past . Hudson exploró el litoral y la provincia de Buenos Aires antes de viajar a Inglaterra. Luján es un ciudad colonial desde 1755. Hoy se puede observar su pasado colonial. The Recova Alumbrado público original - Original Street lighting  Edificio de la administración colonial, hoy museo Colonial administration building, today a museum Gruesas rejas, protección contra el ataque de los indios Thick bars, protection against Indian attack


It seems banal to celebrate spring. But always the spring solstice was important for man.  For that reason I chose a plant native to join the ritual of life.  The barba de chivo or bird of paradise ( Caesalpinia gilliesii ) is a legume. It is an american shrub with parapinadas gray leaves, and a delicate, rare and beautiful flower.  It flowers during spring and summer. It is very resistant to dry weather. It is rustic. It spreads as a foreigner in Texas, USA, and Turkey.  The natives knew their medicinal properties: has alkaloids and saponins.The richness of its components should be studied. Parece vanal festejar la primavera . Pero desde siempre el solsticio de primavera fue importante para el hombre. Por esa razón elegí una planta autóctona para sumarme al ritual de la vida. La barba de chivo (Caesalpinia gilliesii)  es una leguminosa. Un arbusto americano de hojas parapinadas grises, de una delicada, rara y bella flor. Florece durante la pr...

One man

Hudson understood the environment from his brown earth. At all times, cultures and places men conceived their material and spiritual environment, contrary on what one might assume did significantly similar.  Please, watch these images comparing seemingly different cultures. Hudson entiende su entorno desde su tierra castaña. En todos los tiempos, culturas y lugares el hombre concibió su entorno material y espiritual , al contrario de lo que puede suponerse , lo hizo de manera similar.  Observar estas imágenes que comparan culturas aparentemente diferentes. Fuente/Source : laplacamadre.wordpress El tercer ojo cubierto por un animal The third eye covered by an animal Tercer ojo    -  Third eye Tercer jo en caricatura japonesa, 2014 Third eye used in japanese cartoon, 2014

Native ceramics

There is losses when a cultural shock happens, in this case european conqueror and american natives.  Human and cultural heritage are lost.  However, the techniques of american natives potters were rescued and are now teaching in formal and non formal education.  Basically there are three:  a-Modeling directly from a piece of modeling clay.  b-Modeling cylinders, cords or chorizos clay.  c- Modeling with clay strips, spread on sheets or canvas.  d-Modeling combining the above techniques.  They are ancient techniques, that reflect the evolution of man in other times and other cultures, such as the ceramic lace Jomon period in Japan; so far in time and space, but it seems made by Kilmes. Los choques culturales, indoamericanos y europeos en este caso, traen perdidas irreparables. Perdidas humanas y también  del patrimonio cultural. Sin embargo, las técnicas de los ceramistas nativos americanos fueron rescatada...

Kilmes culture

Hay mucho que contar de la cultura de los Kilmes. Eran un pueblo agro-alfarero que conocían los metales, defensores de su patrimonio. El imperio Inca no los pudo dominar y los hizo emigrar desde el el norte de Bolivia a los Valles Calchaquíes de Tucumán , Argentina(900 dc). Los Incas ni siquiera les pudo imponer la lengua del imperio : el quechua, ellos hablaban cacan. Su cerámica era muy avanzada y creativa . La usaban para almacenar agua , semillas; también para cocinar o como urnas funerarias. Su amplia decoración es geométrica en rojo, negro y blanco, referidas a los animales del lugar, como la característica vasija con forma de pato. There is much to tell about the culture of the Kilmes. They were an agricultural people who knew pottery and metals. They were defenders of their heritage.  The Inca empire could not dominate and forced to  migrate from northern Bolivia to Calchaquies Valleys of Tucuman, Argentina(900 ad). The Incas were no...


Hudson was born in establishing field  called " 25 ombúes " on the left  bank of the stream "The Shells" in the jurisdiction of Quilmes, Florencio Varela´s jurisdiction today . ( 34°51´22,07´´S  58°13´47,06´´W .)  Surely, the first Europeans who came to this land thought: "... a huge garden that's America ...", but the garden had owners.  The Kilmes was a native culture that the Incas could not dominate; and they  fought against spanish   for 130 years. They were neutralized and banished . The Kilmes walked 1000 km from the Calchaquies Valleys in Tucumán to reach the shores of the River Plate. In 1666, the reduction of the Santa Cruz Indians Kilmes was created;  then the Spanish colonization and the Catholic Church divided the territory.  Famine, disease and a  hostil environment affected the natives. Soon they disappeared . However its indigenous name still remember them, in Spanish form today (Quilmes). Nowadays it is...

More than football

Argentina is abundant and excessive in different ways.  Cattle left the Spanish colonizers, and populated the wild pampas becoming a source of wealth.  Football spread like cattle with plenty of passion. It was first practiced by English settlers in the Rio de la Plata. It was diseminated through the schools of the British community, which began to practice and perform grouped into local championships and leagues.  Then, in 1882 the Scottish Professor Alexander Watson Huttton arrived with balls and inflators  free of customs tax and promoted  football since the school environment.  Why Hudson did not play football?  Simple: non-formal education. He was not attended any institution. His family was devoted to instruction and different teachers came to his home to teach him.  Anyway, it was a great scientist, no matter that it has not kicked the ball. Argentina es abundante y excesiva en distintos aspectos. El ganado que abandonaron los ...

Pampas and football

In 1840, football comes to Argentina with the English immigrants. The sport created for gentlemen became popular, the most popular of all.  With the construction of railways by British companies, workers played soccer in his spare moments by using a bladder cow ball.  The  football spilled , and won the pampas.  The first team was Argentina Quilmes Rowers Club in 1887, then called Quilmes Athletic Club and later in Quilmes Atlético Club hispanicized. The club is a few kilometres to the birthplace of Hudson.  In the first clubs played only British, what with the excitement it generated was promoted the creation of new clubs for Creoles.  Football is another  contribution both sport and cultural that was sown and grew strongly in the pampas. Quilmes Atletico Club principio de siglo - Quilmes Athletic Club in the early 20th century Jugadores criollos  -  Creoles players Tribuna de madera del Club Argentino de Q...