
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2014

Big water

It  started the World Cup (12/06/14). The emotion seems to paralyze the time. Although nature has its own time and move on.  This time razing what is in its path. The rains in southern Brazil were channeled furiously in the Iguazú River. Iguazú is in indigenous voice : Big Water. Cataracts that are in the area covered by Argentina and Brazil discharging into normal for this time of 8,000 m3 per second, with flood waters reached 47,000 m3 per second. It caused damage and flooding. After calm  ... l ife somehow reborn and fill the spaces. The biguá is an example; on their feet takes  fish eggs to plant them. Empezó el mundial de fútbol (12/6/14) la emoción parece paralizar el tiempo. Aunque la naturaleza tiene su propio tiempo y sigue adelante. Esta vez arrasando lo que hay a su paso. Las lluvias en el sur de Brasil se canalizaron furiosamente en el río Iguazú, llamado en voz indígena  Agua grande . Las cataratas que se encuentran en ...

Biguá Phalacrocorax brasilianus ( Phalacrocorax olivaceus)

Hace frío, los días son cortos y húmedos con neblina o lluvia e inevitablemente recuerdo el verano. Tengo en mi memoria la imagen de un biguá, nadando y zambulléndose, una y otra vez, en la orilla del estuario del Río de la Plata; sin molestarse por mi presencia. Este pájaro habita en aguas dulces de ríos, arroyos y lagunas de "las pampas". También se lo llama pato cuervo por su hábito acuático y color negro. No hay diferencias entre el macho y la hembra, sólo el ejemplar joven es pardo. En época de cría les crecen a los lados de los ojos plumas blancas. Su largo cuello de forma de S, le permite cazar en el fondo del agua, pequeños moluscos, peces y crustáceos. A veces se encuentra solo, otras vive en grupos de más de 50 aves. Le gusta posarse en árboles y ramas secas, o en las rocas y así pasar las horas. Tiene un primo hermano en Asia (Phalacrocorax  carbo)  que hace cientos de años fue domesticad...

The prophets

It is said: "No one is a prophet in his own land" for those who are not recognized in his own place, but they  succeed abroad. " You can say the same for Guillermo Enrique Hudson and Carlos Tevez, two Argentines with different intelligences, but with great talent. They were recognized abroad.  William Henry Hudson born naturalist, observer and student of nature; became a great biologist and ornithologist even without formal education. He had the family support, knowledge of English language, their personal contacts  and with perseverance he succeeded. Even in his time he criticized Charles Darwin from their experiences and with  bases .  Unlike the case of Carlos Tevez who grew up in an adverse and harsh environment that marked his character. He is bodily intelligence, athlete: his strength, speed, flexibility, coordination and balance allowed him to shine as a football player in Europe, first in England and now in Italy. Se dice :"nadie es profeta ...

Successful invaders :Limnoperna fortunei and Rapana venosa

They reached the estuary of the Río de la Plata and its tributaries (35.000 km2) without intencionality, but by neglect. They traveled in cargo ships from asia ; attached to the hulls or as larvae in ballast water of ships. They adapted to the environment : the change in temperature ( warm to temperate) to variations in salinity and food of these regions. They displaced native species and with no natural predators they bred quickly. The golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) is from China rivers and streams. It is small and lives bonded to hard objects. In 1994, it caused trouble in the water treatment plant of   La Plata city; blocking the light pipes and reducing tubes. The snail Rapana venosa also of chinese origin, is a voracious predator feeding on bivalves and unlike the golden mussel spreads on argentinian coasts, this took over the uruguayan coasts. Both causes major ecological and economic harm. It must be found a way to control them. Llegaron al estuario del ...