
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2014

Calandria (Mimus saturninus)

Many poets speak of this beautiful bird, chalk-browed mockingbird  , by its appearance or singing. Hudson also does in his book "Aves del plata" in a way, that you can close your eyes and see it.  It is very common for people in the "pampas", we lived with them.  They measure about 27 cm. They are earthy colors with clear chest, and a black line delineates his eyes. His song is beautiful and varied because in his own composition includes notes of songs of other birds, they  imitate.  Often they are extremely territorial, although they eat from the hand of man; they are very protective of their nests. Many unsuspecting pets suffer attacks. No  matter how large or fierce is the mascot. Muchos poetas hablan de esta hermosa ave por su aspecto o su canto. También lo hace Hudson  en su libro "Aves del Plata" de una manera, en que se puede cerrar los ojos y verla. Ella es muy habitual para los habitantes de "las pamp...

Recyclers birds

Reduce, reuse and recycle are the three steps to a cleaner planet. The birds live with us and seem to have incorporated these actions. E very spring over 6 years, Chalk-browed mockingbird (Mimus saturnis) b uilt their nest in the highiest fork of an old plum. They found wadding to do it. I always wondered how and where these birds got this plastic filler. How did they know it was warm and protect their young from the rain and intemperate spring days?  A mystery, are they applied their practical intelligence?  Reducir, re-usar y reciclar son las tres acciones para un planeta más limpio. Las aves conviven con nosotros y parecen haber incorporado dichas acciones. Las calandrias (Mimus saturnis)    que a lo largo de 6 años cada primavera construyeron su nido en la horqueta más alta de un viejo ciruelo al fondo de mi jardín encontraron guata para realizarlo. Siempre me pregunté cómo y dónde estas aves consiguieron este relleno plástico. ¿Có...