
An argentinian in New York (Titanosaurio )

This animal belongs  to the fossil world, it has been found in 2014 in the province of Chubut, the largest terrestrial dinosaur in the world  known. A rural worker found his femur and gave notice to the scientists. In the excavation was found 70% of its body next to others of its species and also different petrified trunks that allow to infer its habitat. Some numbers to define it: 37.2 meters long, 77 tons: immense !!! Of 100 million years. A replica of the giant is exhibited in the Museum of Natural Sciences of New York and its skeleton seems to leave the door like the velociraptores of Jurasic park looking for its food. In Argentina, in addition to its replica in the Chubut museum, you can appreciate a creation on a natural scale that walks through the science fair of Tecnopolis in Buenos Aires. Perteneciente al mundo fósil, se ha encontrado en 2014 en la provincia de Chubut, el dinosaurio terrestre más grande del mundo hasta ahora conocido. Un trabajador rura...

Time of life

Unlike many other end, humpback whale beached in Argentina Atlantic coast up to Mar del Tuyú with great effort it was released and is now in open water toward the ocean. This was what I wrote a several days ago; but to my regret ... the end was another. The huge cetacean did not survive. Many were the efforts of rescuers scientists, firefighters, civil defense personnel and ordinary people, and sure of itself, fighting in the cold water and  southeast wind. It did not reach,  the 18 metres whale about was exhausted or sick or both. Likewise every effort was worth, it was to give a chance to live. A diferencia  de muchos otros finales, la ballena jorobada que encalló en las costa atlántica argentina a la altura de Mar del Tuyú con gran esfuerzo fue liberada y hoy está en aguas abiertas rumbo al océano . Esto fue lo que escribí hace unos días ; pero a mi pesar el final fue otro ... el enorme cetáceo no sobrevivió . Muchos fueron los esfuerzos de los rescatistas : ...

S.O.S. Zoo

The zoo is in my memories ... moments of happiness, childhood days. Admiration and excitement to know about rare animals, it changed over the years in compassion and sadness at seeing many of those beasts locked in their own destiny: captivity; difficult to them to live but it is  the only way to live. Atrophied or submissive  to human can no longer survive in their habitat. It seems that our generation is trying to change the concept of zoo by ecopark .In Buenos Aires ,the goverment,  install the concept  of ecopark for native species that will suffer less adaptability, re placing exotic ones in  sanctuaries and retaining sick or gerontes to its end. Buenos Aires Zoo, with over 100 years old , opened in 1875  and closed on June 16 2016,   go slowly transforming itself into an eco-park. It will persist with its beautiful architecture animal shelters, reminiscent of pagodas, temples Arabs, indues, Swiss cottages, Gothic castles and others. ...

Dolphins in the estuary (Pontoporia blainvillei)

The estuary of the Río de la Plata keeps secrets and treasures. One is the franciscana dolphin,  Pontoporia blainvillei.  This dolphin  inhabits the Uruguayan coast of Río de la Plata, and coastlines from southern Brazil to the Río Negro in Argentina.  It is small,  no more than 1.50 meters , brownish, short-sighted and moves slowly. It is a mystery, even to those who live on the coast of the estuary. There are very few of them. Unfortunately, they die in fishing nets, as it appeared in the media worldwide this February. El estuario del Río de la Plata guarda secretos y tesoros . Uno de ellos es el delfín franciscana ,  Pontoporia blainvillei.  Habita las costas uruguayas del Río de la Plata, y las costas marítimas desde el sur de Brasil hasta el Río Negro en Argentina. Es pequeño, no supera no más de  1,50 metro, amarronado, con poca visión y de desplazamiento lento. Es un misterio, hasta para los que vivimos en la costa ...

Silver estuary

We often forget that the Rio de la Plata is a  estuary and as such has special characteristics, we must also consider its magnificence . It is the second world watershed drains an average flow 23,000 m3)  It is a huge body of fresh water that  mixes with the sea. Since December 2015 El Niño increased rains, and a large region of southern Brazil and northern Argentina and eastern plains flooded kilometers, displacing wetlands to camalotes. The water hyacinth (Echhornia crassipes) as floating islands charged different animals, who landed on shores of the estuary. Various reptiles including reptiles: poisonous snakes, lizards, arachnids (spiders and scorpions) and coypu (Myocastor coypus) ,. But the estuary shows another face. A few days ago it appeared in the San Isidro Nautical : a sea lion from Patagonia, which was helped to reach open water in the estuary bound to the sea ... the estuary joins the estuary on the coast of Buenos Aires and Montevideo to the tropics an...

Dakar in Argentina 2016

An international rally, with its technology allows us to see images from the air of "Hudson pampas". It was many years since he ran, but they remain an immensity of land ... Un rally internacional, con su tecnología nos permite observar imágenes desde el aire de "las pampas de Hudson". Pasaron muchos años desde que él las recorrió, pero  ellas siguen siendo una inmensidad de tierra ... 

Yellow carpet (Iris pseudacorus)

Van Gogh would loved this place. In September and October wetlands of Argentinian Plata estuary coast are covered in yellow: iris (Iris pseudacorus). The steeple lily has developed and occupies kilometers, length approximately 35 km of coastline 3-10 km wide floodplains, accompanying the marginal jungle. True, it is an invasive specie and moves to different native grasses, sedges and other species, but I get excited about its beauty. Also, these lilies let your benefit: purified water pollutants and heavy metals. Well, they add their beauty and compensate with a cleaning contaminated areas ... Van Gogh hubiera amado este lugar. En septiembre y octubre los humedales de la costa argentina del Estuario del Plata se cubren de amarillo : lirios (Iris pseudacorus) . El lirio espadaña se ha desarrollado y ocupa kilometros , aproximadamente 35 km de costa, largo,  por 3 a 10 km, de ancho de los terrenos inundables, acompañando a la selva marginal.  Es cierto, que es  u...